
How many times can you start a new webcomic in a year?

Turns out the answer is like five times. Yeah I made five of them isn't that wild. I never went past a second chapter for any of them because I realized I didn't care about any of the characters or plotlines lol. Anyways postmortem organized below.

First one: fantasy horror about the sun and demons. 

Reason I quit: realized full colour watercolour style is too much to do on a weekly 5-page update schedule. Also the character I really liked writing about was only a minor side character so I was just waiting to get to the part with characters I liked... it would've taken about three years according to the script I wrote. But the plot doesn't make sense without all the exposition...

Megane count: 2

Second one: Mailman delivering mail to ghosts comic.

Reason I quit: realized there were no stakes because all the characters were ghosts and I had no motivation to keep going. I wrote this just for an excuse to draw abandoned buildings as backgrounds, which is not a great motivator for a comic?? Also BL is hard when all the characters have no body. Positive note: everyone was in an old fashioned work uniform.

Megane count: zero

Third one: Assassin comic. The one on this website.

Reason I quit: Where was this even going. It was a funny concept but I had no idea what was supposed to be interesting about it. I felt like I was drawing this just because I needed to be producing something. This is about where I realized the 'webtoon; format isn't really for me. Also starting to doubt who I'm making comics for, because this one definitely wasn't for me. 

Megane count: zero

Fourth one: Idol boy maid cafe. Written from personal experience sort of. No display image because I genuinely hated every panel of this. 

Reason I quit: I was trying really hard to make this one have 'mass appeal' and 'polished backgrounds' and 'simple cel shading' and trying my best to look the way 'good popular webcomics' should. Discovered that hell is actually located inside Sketchup. Like it comes default. Pretty cool of them

Also some of the characters were too much like irl friends, which is bad if you want to bully your characters a lot. also characters too much like irl enemies which is bad if you want to avoid scary people slaughtering you in their instagram posts.

Megane count: 1

Fifth one: Serial killer and some guy who worships him like a god. 

Reason I quit: I forgot I was even working on this tbh. Wanted to stream art and this just happening while streaming. No real plan going in here. Might use the colouring method for this one for something else though, halftone + black and flats is kinda untouchable.

Backgrounds for this one were pretty fun but the character designs.... extremely generic.

Megane count: 1

Sixth one (one I'm working on right now): Mister business.

Unhinged toxic BL (good) about a "Good Businessman" starting businesses and then giving up on them immediately like an idiot. Now that I'm writing it down I realize this is probably a reflection of how I'm feeling about starting this many comics. Time to stop self reflecting. It's about men with no morals trying to become as powerful as possible, and also kissing each other. Based on some dreams I had. 

Current project megane count: 3 (promising)

Mysterious unorganized number: Rabbit's Kingdom is under construction, I'm not sure where I'm going with it. I wrote another chapter trying to get into the backstory of the Sonnet family, but I think I might want to change that, because it's too long and boring and there is not enough yaoi. A lot of military uniforms though. 

Megane count: Junyi and all of his descendants (mystery number)

Current mood: contemplating

Current music: 君と僕との彼岸の唄 - グルグル映畫館